I think I have a leak.

A leak is one of the deadly curses you never want to hear about when it comes to your pond. A pond leak isn’t that common compared to how many ponds exist, but if its your pond , it can seem like a disaster.Leaks aren’t always that big of a thing, The hardest part seems to be locating the leak, or even verifying if a leak actually exists. If your sure one exists then the next thing is to find it,This may take some patience, it may take several days to determine where it is. Don’t panic, this is par for the coarse.After the leak is found the repair doesn’t necessarily mean major repairs. In fact repairing the leak is sometimes the easy part. The repair will be determined by what the pond is constructed out of , such as liner, concrete, fiberglass, or something else. This is the occasional  price to ponding, but its worth it.

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