Get rid of that dogs water dish.

Just found the perfect project for the pet owner.  This can be done in a day .This recirculating water paver system is great for the pet that always spills the dish, or the dog that always empties the dish . It has a low bubbling water source that is self- filling . There is no water loss , because it is re-circulating. It looks great and blends into the existing landscaping or waterer 2Now this picture was taken by my friend James Crowley, and you can see how versatile this water paver is.  Im looking forward to putting a lot of these in.

Do I really need a Professional Pond builder, or can my gardener do it.

hunter13We were called out this week to look at a new customers pond. They wanted to discuss maintenance issues. This customer was extremely proud of the pond and waterfall in their back yard. When you entered the yard the waterfall immediately got your attention. This Water feature had been built by the home owners gardener, with the help of his brother in law. The gardener reassured the home owner, that he had recently gone to a pond building seminar at his garden supply distributors store. After purchasing the supplies. The two of them went at it, After only 3 weeks a 8ft X 12ft pond with a 25ft waterfall stream was complete. There was a few leaks in the falls at first, but after a little tweaking it worked. Atlanta tree services took care of stumps grinding.

One interesting note is that if it was a local supplier, that they went to,the odds are pretty good that Pondman, or another Certified Aquascape Contractor , put on the seminar.Well one day doesnt make a professional anything.

We will be servicing this pond and waterfall monthly from now on.

After the consultation, my assistant asked to see the other pond around the corner that we had built only 3 months earlier than the one we had just seen. So we drove the 1/2 mile to the other side of the same hill.      Not much differance  except everything.hatmaker 020

Winter ponds still look great

This time of the year, if you live in the Southern California area  your pond or waterfall might not be at its best.Here in the San Diego area our ponds can have several different types of weather, and still all be within driving distance of each other. Most of the time our mild climate affords us a Beautiful pond of waterfall year round. We can have green plants and crystal clear water, while the rest of the country has snow. Our koi and other pond fish can be seen and enjoyed all year thru. With the correct amount of maintenance and upkeep, There is no reason a water garden cant be enjoyed all the time.

December ponds still look great , if taken care of .
December ponds still look great , if taken care of .

He’s not always, just in it for the money.

Ponds and Waterfall constructors seem to be getting far between, however if a person is diligent they will find that the true professionals are still out there
A culling of the herd (if you will) seems to have taken effect in the water feature business. In the early part of the decade the pond business seemed by many to be an easy way to make a quick buck. The industry was deluged by landscapers, gardeners, construction people, and a lot of other type of tradesmen looking to expand their offerings. The only problem with this idea was that pond and waterfall building is an art.
The true pond and waterfall builders are generally in the business for more than the dollars involved. Things like the feelings, and emotions are a large draw for these professional builders.
Recently with the construction lull most of these new comers to the business have moved on to other types of income. This is a plus for the customer. The odds that there project will turn out great is increased because of the builder they picked is more likely to consider pond building as a passion than a income.

Making the best of a bad situation

small-pond-3-fish-2b park1A couple weeks back ,we went to fix a leak in a new customers pond. After the problem was repaired , The need for a larger home for her fish was discussed.She called back a few days later to let us know that she wanted to give her fish a better habitat.Great!  was our response. Then she went on to explain the money restraints she was having. In addition we were already aware of a problem with the size of her back yard. After a little discussion, we came up with a solution , it  wasn’t the best in the world , but was the best we could do , with what we had to work with. After removing the fish to a safe, temporary location, the small pond was dismantled and replaced , utilizing the existing Aquascape filter system. The pond is now over 450 gallons. Not the best for large fish, but much better than the 88 gallons it was before.

Pepsi or Showa

When you order a cola at a restaurant , you may, or may not care what kind it is. Some people care a lot. They might not even drink it if its not their brand. Well koi  people are sometimes the same way.Just like soda pop, koi comes in many different types and names. The names are too numerous for both to name them all, but some are Asagi, Royal Crown,Kohaku,Barks,Bekko,Crush,Akame,and the list goes on. The odds are pretty good that if you tasteDoit Showapepsi cup enough soda, or see enough koi,You will eventually have a favorite.

We never know for sure what we will encounter with a new pond clean out.A new customer called to schedule a clean out. After a short discussion we decided the amount of fish was unknown, and also , Turtles lived in the pond. The clean out itself wasn’t that eventful however, after a partial drain over a hundred goldfish (2in to 6in) were found living under all the overgrown plants. Some invasive cattails needed to be removed , including the roots, Then 4 full grown Turtles and 3 babies under 2in were found. It was cool watching the baby turtles cling and climb on what I guess must have been the mom, in the holding tank. After re- filling every body less several fish went back to their happy, clean pond. A new home was found for the extra fish.

San Diego Ponds

When you are looking for pond service in San Diego. Pondman can help. We have the experience of hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of ponds. Everything from a leak to water quality to a pump, We  can handle it. If for some reason we cant solve your pond problemTop of the hill in Fallbrook, San Diego, we will find the Certified Aquascape Contractor that will.

My pond has a problem

  • We were called out by a lady because her pond was leaking .She was afraid that constantly adding water would harm her 3 fish.After arriving we realized that a leak wasn’t the only problem. The pond holds less than 100 gal. of water, and the fish are a combined length of 39 in. Well needless to say , she will be having us enlarge the pond, And we fixed the leak.

What is wrong with my pond ?