A Great Certified Aquascape Contractor pond serviceman, San Diego

When you call a pond company, for a service or repair. You don’t always know what you are going to get.This is just how a recent customer felt, when the Pondman was called out for a pond clean out. We sent our most seasoned pondman out to do the work. After doing the clean out ,our man, Cuco was able to find a problem the home owner didnt even know he had.This older Aquascape pond was equiped with an automatic water fill valve, ( usually a good thing) however this time it had been hiding a problem. The pond had a hole in the liner. Because of the water fill valve , the home owner wasnt even aware of the leak. Well Cuco patched the hole.He also upgraded the pond to LED under water lights, and replaced an old skimmer filter pad.The customer was more than happy, with the results. So it really does pay to call a Certified Aquascape Contractor,(CAC),  to work on your pond. They are constantly learning new skills and techniques for your pond. A CAC is a pond professional not just someone who works on ponds.Thanks Sam for calling us out, and thanks Cuco for careing so much about your work.liner hole cuco

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